I bring style and panache to your everyday work

I will make your work so much easier
Let's Start Now
“Behind every successful and happy business owner, there is an amazing virtual assistant.” If you are reading this section about me, first let me thank you for taking the time to do so. I will save you from detailing my full personal history, but what I would like to outline quickly is what brought me into the virtual assistant business and what attributes I believe are essential to succeeding in it.
From my experience working in business for over 20 years most, if not all problems can be made easier to solve by establishing good communication. I am lucky to have been blessed with excellent communications skills, which allow me to readily understand the problem, succinctly define it, and communicate the appropriate solution. In support of my excellent communications skills, I’m proud to say that I’m fluent in 3 foreign languages: English, Czech and Serbian.
Besides being a good communicator, I have superb organizational skills coupled with a strong work ethic. Let’s be honest, chaos never brings good results, and successfully solving problems requires hard work, persistence and attention to detail.All the above is important, but if we want communication, organization and responsibilities to work in harmony, then you need to be empathetic. Taking the time and effort to really understand what the client wants and is feeling are essential for providing the best, most appropriate service. That means recognizing verbal and nonverbal cues, and responding accordingly. When working with a client, I am taking responsibility for solving that problem or dealing with that issue – and that’s an obligation I don’t take lightly! Empathy allows me to build the trust necessary to solve the issue together. I believe that by building an understanding of the client’s culture, language, thoughts and emotions, I can provide best-in-class, premier service – and that’s what CallMrsWatson is all about. I approach each client on an individual basis and will never say “I know everything” – each client is an individual who requires an individual solution.

Using my services will enable you to become more productive
I am here to support you, save your precious time, and free you up so you can focus on the things that really matter to you.